Robert B Squires


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, minoring in Web Development (Graduated December 2023).

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About Me

Coder. Gear Head. Nomad spirit.

I’m a software developer focused on expanding my toolbox one language at a time and mastering my craft. The projects in this portfolio are some of my favorite works while completing my B.S. in Computer Science, Minor in Web Development. I'm a meticulous, dedicated professional pursuing a career as a software engineer with languages such as Swift, C++ and Java.

My Coding Journey

  I started my coding journey as a Computer Science student with a passion to learn everything I could about making programs that would be useful. Since I use an iPhone, I wanted to teach myself iOS development with a dream to build my own app. Having a background as a mechanic, I chose to make an OBD-II application to bring together my love of vehicles and the technologies I have been learning throughout my education. I enjoy programming in C++ and Java, but have also grown to enjoy using Swift and SwiftUI specifically for Apple devices. I hope to continue growing my developer skill as a whole, as well as become more proficient in iOS, iPadOS, and macOS development. My next side projects will be learning Fullstack Development in Swift with Vapor, and embedded Swift programming.

Languages and Frameworks


C++ Swift Java C HTML CSS JavaScript Ruby PHP Bash Perl Python



React NodeJS Rails Heroku AWS Oracle MySQL



Operating Systems:

Windows Apple Ubuntu Linux


IDEs and Source Control:

VS Code XCode Visual Studio Intellij Git GitHub Homebrew Markdown Latex



Illustrator Photoshop Figma Blender


Current Programming Projects

*For access to my private project repositories, please email me with the subject line, GitHub Access.

Swift Vapor | Learning Swift Vapor Framework


Metal | Learning Metal Shader Language


Swift DSA | Learning Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift


Completed Programming Projects

*For access to my private project repositories, please email me with the subject line, GitHub Access.

OBD-II Buddy | Capstone Project


Scheduling Algorithms | CSCI 431


5k Charity Run Website | CSCI 334


Sudoku | CSCI 325


HTML Parser | CSCI 315


Design Projects

Horse Riding Lessons Website | CSCI 495


CSU Event Posters | ART 216


Childrens Book Illustration | ART 216


Ethics Papers

Ethics of Data Collection

Ethics of Developer Testing


Computer Forensics Presentation

Sudoku Presentation

Page template forked from CSU-CS